Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blissful Listlessness

If indifference is a hinderance (see Severance),

And omniscience can be contentious,

Then, perhaps a consonance: omniscient ignorance.

Consider the consequence. Blissfulness?


Afield, Ahead
“Afield, Ahead.” See more photomontages at my 500pxFlickr or Pinterest pages.
Thanks to Pavel Konoplenko and Angelique of Afmarcom for the inspiration on this one. Join us 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays for the #AskAngel Twitter chat.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Blogchat: Sundays on Twitter

There’s one thing I’ve really gotten into the social media realm lately: Blogchat. This is a chat on Twitter where folks talk, er… tweet, about blogging-related topics.
Blogchat - Sundays at 9:00 p.m. EST on Twitter.
Graphic by me via iPhone, using Hipstamatic & Phonto
I’ve made so many connections there, garnered blogging tips, and become more adept at Twitter by taking part. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in getting more from blogging (as a blog reader, I assume you may have an interest). Once, I even helped suggest a topic for an upcoming chat:
To participate, follow the hashtag #blogchat on Twitter, stay on topic, and keep hitting “refresh” on whatever means you use to keep up with the conversations. It’s fast-moving, so using a tool like TweetChat or HootSuite with multiple columns or tabs can be very helpful, although I’ve navigated it successfully just by using Twitter from the browser, or even by iPhone. It’s led by Mack Collier and happens every Sunday at 9:00 p.m., U.S. Eastern standard time. Recently covered topics include time management for bloggers, copyright issues, and using images.
There’s also a monthly open mic for non-specific blogging-related topics. Even if you don’t specifically participate 0r prefer just to listen in, that’s totally fine. You’ll probably still pick up a tip or two, and it’s a good way to see how the conversations flow.
Participating has encouraged me to explore other Twitter chats, and I’ve found them consistently beneficial, especially given the breadth of perspectives from some experienced and friendly folks. Try it sometime – and have fun chatting.
What do you think? Have you ever participated in a Twitter chat? What are some other resources you recommend for blogging advice and ideas? Let us hear from you in the comments.