Sunday, December 20, 2015

Lucid Dream, Incredible Music

I just had the most incredible lucid dream. And this is an extremely rare occurrence for me, as most of my dreams are nightmares, and are almost never, ever lucid.

I was playing guitar in a band who asked me to join them for this battle of the bands on a Thursday night. The drummer called me the evening before and spoke like he knew me, but I had no recollection of the group or the event. Still, it seemed like a fun time so I went with it.

I showed up at the gig with my gear (a really nice Sunburst Les Paul – hey, it’s my dream; may as well go big) and performed seamlessly with this otherworldly, spacey-sounding rock group. Female singer; bassist playing an upright, sometimes with a bow; friendly drummer from the phone call; and another guitarist.

Above: me on a Les Paul, the only time in my life. Dream source material?

What was amazing about the music, and particularly the lucidity part, is that these complete songs formed in my head while I was dreaming, while the imaginary musicians and I were executing them perfectly. It was beautiful and uplifting. And I knew it was lucid, because I remember having the thought in the dream, “it would be neat if the bass did this now,” or, “what if the other guitar player did this now?” And then they did, and it worked every time. Even the riffs and lines I was improvising meshed into place perfectly, in rhythm and melody. I would really like to hear this music again!

The closest thing I can think of right now to that music: Sigur Rós, “Dauðalogn”

The evening ended with me going to bed, ready to drift away under a thick layer of blankets. Except that a yellow jacket and a yellow dragonfly were buzzing above my head as I was trying to get to sleep. The yellow jacket got too close to my face, so I threw the covers off and shot straight up in bed.

Not only did that happen in the dream, but it happened as I did the same move consciously upon awakening at that exact second. Then I descended into awareness through that next 60 seconds or so which follows any realistically intense stupor, where you wonder, “Did that really happen? No? It was a dream? Wow.”

Image taken from page 191 of 'The Zoological Miscellany; being descriptions of new or interesting animals'

Photo: The British Library via Flickr.

What do you think? Ever experienced a lucid dream? Do you hear music in your dreams? What do you think it means? Let us hear from you in the comments.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Hey, You Were on TV! — And “The Tent-O’-Surrealism”

A local news crew was kind enough to interview me on camera at the Historic West End ARTSFest about my surrealist art. Check me out in this video from 2:20-4:55 (the first interview is with another artist):

Thanks, WFMY and Jessica for covering this event and chatting with me!
And for this mention on Twitter, too:

Many folks stopped by my setup and said, “hey, I saw you on tv!” I usually responded with “And you came anyway? Wow!” WAKA WAKA. One couple mentioned to me it was the above news segment that brought them to the show in search of unique art, which of course was very cool.

The weather was a drizzling soup, but not enough to keep visitors away altogether, so I was especially appreciative to have played a part in the PR that day. The visitors present were definitely the most interested, and I like to think if the sun were shining, there would have been even more of an already positive thing.

My takeaway: I had a great time, met many other cool artists, and sold several pieces to happy customers. And for me, that’s what it’s all about.

Behold, my Tent-O’-Surrealism:

Richard Smith - RSMITHINGS surreal art Richard Smith - RSMITHINGS surreal art

What do you think? Ever participated in an art or craft fair? Ever seen or discovered something happening locally that day then made the effort to visit in person? How do you enjoy local art? Let us hear from you in the comments.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

International Literacy Day

Can you read this? Not everyone can. My own father was an educator for over three decades, many of which specifically involved helping grade school students improve their reading skills. He positively affected many lives this way, something I’m proud to have a tradition of myself, having tutored English as a second language and grammar in college. In that spirit, check out this infographic on international literacy from Grammarly:

Literacy Day

What do you think? Ever worked or volunteered in a reading program? Do you read to your children, or remember being read to as a child? Is there a teacher who impacted your literary/reading interests? Let us hear from you in the comments.

Monday, July 20, 2015

National Moth Week: Selected Artworks

It’s National Moth Week right now, and in honor of the event, I’m posting two works of art I’ve made this year featuring photos of moths I’ve taken from around my house. I’ve been documenting and creating art with these creatures for a few years now. Enjoy!


Vacationers - Richard Smith

Oceanus Rubigo

Oceanus Rubigo - Richard SmithAnd say hello to our models:


Friday, June 12, 2015

Houseplant Or Treehouse?

HousePlant Or TreeHouse - Richard SmithIf you dig this, go see my more formal stuff over at Here, I’m just having fun with some shots snapped while walking the dog one afternoon. He had fun by peeing every 100 feet. Our block belongs to him now. Check out the source components below at Flickr.


What do you think? Ever mix photos together? Do you enjoy collage or photomontage as an art form? Any advice for dog walking? Let us hear from you in the comments!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

RAW: Natural Born Artists – Supporters of Surrealism

I recently took part in a group artist showcase produced by the RAW: Natural Born Artists group. A rep from the organization noticed my Etsy shop, called me up, and invited me to join. I’m proud to say I am a RAW Artist, now having exhibited my handcrafted surrealism art in person. I sold several pieces to enthusiastic buyers, networked with my fellow creative tribe members, and was compelled to step up my game to make a solid impression. It’s so satisfying to take a chance with something you’re passionate about and have it work out well. Here are some photos of my setup and me hamming for the camera from the event.

RSMITHINGS - Handcrafted Surrealism by Richard Smith - setup

RSMITHINGS - Handcrafted Surrealism by Richard Smith - RAW Artists

RSMITHINGS - Handcrafted Surrealism by Richard Smith - the artist

And here’s a quick video of the construction of my booth sign – also handcrafted, of course:

What do you think? Have you ever been a part of a group project involving a creative passion? Do you go to craft fairs, buy things from Etsy or collect local art? Let us hear from you in the comments.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mobile photography as of late

I don’t market myself as a photographer or even claim to be one. But I do take tons of pictures all the time. Some of these make it into my surrealist photomontage art over at, but others I’m content to just share for fun with minor edits (also done 100% via iPhone, like my art). Here are a few from this year so far that have enjoyed positive reception over at my Instagram, Flickr, Tumblr and Pinterest presences.

Alpaca Time - Richard Smith

Alpaca Time – Richard Smith

New Art Park Downtown

New Art Park Downtown – Richard Smith

Dat Duck Doe

Dat Duck Doe – Richard Smith

Sunspots Original 1a

Sunspots Original 1a – Richard Smith (see the complete Sunspots here)

My cat, Zoe

Zoe May Be Part Teddy Bear – Richard Smith

What do you think? Do you take photos for use later or do you prefer to go with what’s there in the moment? Do you use your smartphone as a primary camera? Let us hear from you in the comments!