Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to Become Popular on Instagram: 10 Tips

So you want to be on the Instagram Popular Page? Here are 10 tips and a look at the top 15 Instagramers. A few months ago, these powerusers were featured in a post by Jennifer Van Grove, rich with detail and tips. Problem is, the good stuff’s buried in a well-intentioned slideshow with a blinking ad (nothing against capitalism, but hey).

Fear not — I’ve done the work so we can all learn from the experts, who are legitimately WAY more popular than you or I will ever dream of being. So don’t just take it from me; observe the efforts of these 15 other Instagram legends who’ve done it many times over. Behold, the following master work distilled for your photo-sharing advancement:

Tip #1: Observe the experts (links = sites & feeds)

  1. @mikekus
  2. @fashion
  3. @looking_glass: “I have over 5,000 photos on my iPhone. When I get a break from my hectic schedule, I reflect on the recent events in my life, and browse for that photo / moment that best portrays my feelings and thoughts which I wish to share. It is a way for me to better understand myself and life, to convey a mood and distill what I have captured.”
  4. @inkedfingers “In less than a minute I created an image that from a layman’s point of view, is almost indistinguishable on that tiny screen from what our $3,000 camera took.”
  5. @poeticaesthetic “Instagram has enabled me to capture and share images that might not be shared otherwise, at least not with such a broad audience.”
  6. @babysmurf
  7. @colerise
  8. @danrubin “Instagram has made photography part of my daily routine. Looking at the world through a lens changes the way you see things, and having that lens with you at all times means you are always looking, and never have to miss a shot. I don’t always carry my dSLR, Polaroids, or my other myriad film cameras with me, but my iPhone — and Instagram — is always at the ready. I shoot every day because of Instagram.”
  9. @laurenlemon
  10. @chrysti
  11. Josh Johnson
    @joshjohnson ‘It’s exciting that so many are now walking around with the tools to create and publish art. That’s what our cellphones have become. Amazing.”
  12. @nirl
  13. @jenniferjeffrey
  14. @skwii
  15. @bbyrd ‘It gets me away from my computer, makes me see things differently.”
Instagram Popular Page Tips from the masters:
(see these folks on
  1. Share something you have a connection with — @looking_glass
  2. Shoot through a knit sweater for some awesome light-play — @colerise
  3. Don’t shoot from eye-level — @danrubin
More tips to improve your Instagram experience that I personally recommend:

My own pics @rsmithing
  1. Use a 3rd party site like Great for comment effectiveness.
  2. Don’t be afraid to get the shot; do it! The opportunity will not come back.
  3. Enter challenges. They’re an easy and fun way to see what others are doing and grow your skills.
  4. Get one or two apps you’re intuitive with and master them for edits. It may take some experimenting, so plan to spend at least $20 in the app store.
  5. Pick a filter and stick with it for a strong impression. I don’t do this, but the effect is undeniable and eliminates complexity.
  6. Thank people religiously, leave comments, and be funny. Or, at least try ;)
  7. Rock and roll all night and party every day. That’s more a just general life lesson, but it should at the very least provide some good raw material. OK, real tip: consider an accessory lens by PhotoJojo. I did this and am seeing the world in a new way, especially bugs.
  8. Hashtag the crap out of your photos. Look up keywords in other languages and make friends from around the world.
  9. Keep a bunch of hashtags handy in a note so you can copy and paste as appropriate. You might also use groups of tags for common subjects (cat, dog, grayscale, etc.). Tap around on some hashtags and find the popular ones that appeal to you most.
  10. Process pics later. You might have a great photo op in line at the TSA security check, but sometimes it’s best just to get the pic and move on as fast as possible, then dive deeply into the editing afterward (like once you’re on the plane).
BONUS TIP: take really, really excellent photos. Observe the work of the top 15, get creative, encourage others, and have fun on the site.

Have you taken any of these steps? What has your Instagram experience been like? Or are you already popular by means not otherwise noted here (besides booty and/or dog/cat shots)? Tell us in the comments!

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