Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mooney’s – Single Image Sundays

When an afternoon thunderstorm sends you into the right spot at the right time…

Mooney's Mediterranean Cafe. Click to see more like this on the Pinterest board of my iPhoneography.
Mooney’s Mediterranean Cafe, Winston-Salem, NC.
Click to see more like this on the Pinterest board of my iPhoneography.
Downtown on a Saturday just after the start of a thunderstorm was the perfect place for this quick snapshot of a peaceful moment, reflecting on the day so far and the future ahead, while anticipating Mooneys‘ excellent shawerma over hummus. In retrospect, I’m grateful for having the technology and inclination to document the moment. It was one of those simple times that’s easy to forget, but worthwhile to remember.
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What do you think? Ever serendipitously documented a moment that you only realized later? Ever wish you’d done that? How do you think you might do that in the future? Let us hear from you in the comments!

Join the Pin Party!

A pin party is where bloggers get together and pin each other’s posts. This is my first time trying one, inspired by Sarah Dawn Designs.
Pin Party Rules:
  1. Visit at least two other links and pin two projects from the authors’ blog.
  2. Add Sarah’s button somewhere on your blog, whether it is in the post itself or on the side.
  3. Link to a specific post and it must be something you wrote or created.
  4. No give-aways or other link parties.
  5. Please limit your submissions to 3 or 4 projects.

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