Thursday, January 26, 2012

Podcast Time! Make Your Own Website, Mobile Photos & More: The LessDesirables

    Behind the Mic with The Less Desirables
    Behind the Mic with The Less Desirables in Studio 2A
    Busy days at! I’m a featured “guru” of graphic and web design on this week’s podcast of Winston-Salem, NC-based The Less Desirables.

    Click to Download & Listen (.mp3)
    The Less Desirables Site
    I’ve had the great pleasure of working with these fellas to design their logo and website (among other projects), and they invited me over to Studio 2A for a chat about graphic design, websites, social media, and what goes into developing all of this (and more) for a business, for a blog, or just for personal enjoyment.
    I manage to ramble on about WordPressapps,Instagramphotographyblogging, and how to use PowerPoint with MS Paint to give your website a professional look (seriously, not kidding). We also review some coffeeParaguayan heavy metal …and even beer. What’s not to like? This show has everything!

    The Less Desirables, In Their Own Words:

    The Less Desirables is a weekly podcast by Tim Beeman and Brian Attridge recorded every Wednesday. We cover an expansive array of topics, ranging from current and non-current movies to new music to the latest sports news to doses of pop culture, complete with a “Beer of the Week.” The idea is to give our audience a recap of the previous week’s news, while simultaneously previewing the upcoming week. We have a local, North Carolina flavor geared towards a national audience, but we never lose sight of our community.
    You can download the podcast directly from the TLD site, from iTunes, and from a few other places, too. My sincere thanks to Brian and Tim, and to Mr. Eugene Sims, for having me over. It was a great discussion and I recommend the show to anyone seeking a dose of pop-culture, sports, tech, movies, music and a plethora of other fine distractions.
    What do you think? Do you listen to any podcasts regularly? Have you ever been on a podcast, and what was that like? If not, what topics would you consider if you were to be invited? What’s your take on the topics covered in this broadcast? Let us hear from you in the comments!


  1. Hi Richard,

    Thanks for liking my blog post today on Social Media Bubble. I am new to this but willing to learn new tricks in the SM world. Please keep feeding me tips on how to get through this era. I am following you on Twitter.

  2. Absolutely. I'm so glad you find what I have to offer useful. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Richard:

    Thank you very much for being this week's guest on The Less Desirables. Without your professional assistance, we wouldn't be where we are today. I'd recommend your work to anyone looking for a website, blogging, or photography presence. Keep up the fantastic job on this blog! Cheers!

  4. The pleasure was definitely OURS!!! Anytime someone mentions needing graphics done, I'm sending them your way! Hell of a guy and pretty sharp, too! :)

  5. [...] got my start in graphic design by creating flyers for my various bands’ gigs (more on that here), so whipping up these mini-promos comes naturally. I also like the limitations of the square [...]
